At Valiant Clinic and Hospital, we can provide both comprehensive information and treatment options if you are considering treatment for symptoms of the menopause.

Our Aesthetic Gynecology clinic, also provides several unique, advanced menopause treatment options such as FemiLift Laser Treatment, to combat symptoms such as vaginal dryness, reduced sexual interest and inflammation.

What is the menopause?

The menopause is when you stop having your periods for more than 12 months. It happens when your ovaries stop releasing eggs or your ovaries have been removed and the amount of estrogen hormone in your body falls. It varies from country to country but most women have their menopause between the ages of 45 and 55 years.

Menopause can occur earlier in some women. If it occurs before the age of 40 years, it is known as premature menopause or premature ovarian insufficiency.

The time before your last period, when your estrogen levels are falling, is called the perimenopause. This can last from a few months to several years. Around half of all women notice physical and/or emotional symptoms. These may include:

  • Hot flushes
  • Night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Low mood and/or feeling anxious
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Loss of interest in having sex


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    Every woman experiences the menopause differently. Some experience one or two symptoms, which may be mild, while others have more severe and distressing symptoms. Some women choose to go through the menopause without treatment, while others prefer some form of treatment to manage their symptoms, by using either hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or an alternative treatment.

    If you have symptoms of the menopause and are over 45 years of age, you will not usually need any hormone tests to diagnose menopause. Treatment options are offered based on your individual assessment and symptoms.

    Do i need any hormone tests before i can start treatment?

    Treatment options for menopausal symptoms include:

  • Lifestyle changes
  • Non-prescribed treatments
  • Prescribed treatments
  • Non-surgical laser treatment
  • Prescribed treatments

    Psychological treatments Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychological treatment. CBT can be used to treat low mood or anxiety related to menopause.

    Non-hormonal medical treatments

    Non-hormonal medical treatments would need to be prescribed by your doctor based on your specific symptoms. There are a range of medicines that can alleviate symptoms such as hot flushes for example, and your doctor will make you aware of them.

    Non-surgical femilift laser treatment

    Our Aesthetic Gynecology Clinic is equipped with the latest state-of-the-art technology, including FemiLift Laser Treatment, that counters several menopause symptoms.


    We work with leading medical insurance providers in the country, if you have any questions or queries just give us a call on 8008254268.


    HRT is the most common form of prescribed treatment for menopausal symptoms. It helps to replace the hormone estrogen in your body, which decreases around your menopause. You may sometimes also need other hormones (such as progestogen and testosterone) that your body is no longer producing. If you are interested in taking HRT, your healthcare professional should discuss the benefits and risks with you before you start the treatment. This discussion should cover both the short-term (over the next 5 years) and the longer term (beyond the next 5 years) benefits and risks for you. You should also be informed about available alternatives to HRT along with

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